Why Whitespace Matters

An article by Paul Boag on the important of whitespace in design.

  • article
  • graphic design
  • web design
  • ideas
  • guide
  • opinion
  • user interface
17 Feb 11
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Why Whitespace Matters

Posted by David Bushell

Why Whitespace Matters - An article by Paul Boag on the important of whitespace in design.

Designers love it, website owners want to fill it. Whitespace seems to be one of the most controversial aspects of design. Why then is it so important and how can we ensure it is maintained?

The article provides very strong reasoning as to why whitespace is vital to good design. This is one element that always causes friction between designer and client. Knowing how to properly articulate the importance of whitespace takes great talent, this article will help get your mind into shape.

For more reading I'd suggest the books of Kenya Hara - 'Designing Design' and 'White'. They'll really get you designing with whitespace like a pro.

I'm suprised and delighted to see my own website showcased! Thanks Paul :)