Typekit Love

Typekit Love—"Titillating typography for your enjoyment and inspiration."

  • blog
  • inspiration
  • web design
  • typography
  • web development
03 May 11
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Typekit Love

Posted by David Bushell

Typekit Love—"Titillating typography for your enjoyment and inspiration." A typography blog by front-end developer Ben Goodyear.

Typekit Love is an attempt to gather real world examples of web sites which are helping push the boundaries of typography on the web.

Typekit Love is a showcase of typography on the web using CSS3 @font-face embedding and the Typekit licensing service. Always great to see how quickly designers embrace a new technology. Typography in design has a rich history so there's no surprise how quickly it's exploded onto the web whenever a new possibility arises.

Follow @typekitlove on Twitter.