Moleskine Mini

Stop-motion animation for Moleskine by dutch artist Rogier Wieland.

24 Dec 10


Moleskine Mini

Posted by David Bushell

Mini is a stop-motion animation for Moleskine by dutch artist Rogier Wieland.

I’m a graphic and audiovisual designer based in The Hague, the Netherlands. I work on different projects, like graphic design, motion graphics, type design and animation, both experimental and commercial.

If there is one thing Moleskine know about selling extravagantly priced notebooks, it is to inspire and engage the creative types just so crazy enough to buy them.

Every great artist has proven time and time again it is not the material or tools that make great art. Being designers we should know this all too well, so why are Moleskine's so tempting? Is it a luxury to reward ourselves with? Or simply pretentious?

Forgetting all that, this is animation by Rogier Wieland is amazing!